The Internet of Things Overview

The Internet of Things Overview

The Internet of Things Overview When you hear the term “internet of things” (IoT), the first thing that comes tomind might be smart fridges automatically connecting to your shopping list.While that certainly is an IoT use case, the broader world of...
A Quick Guide to Optus AI

A Quick Guide to Optus AI

A Quick Guide to Optus AI Optus provides a better way for organizations to intelligently unlock the promise and potential of great customer experience. Our automation-first solutions leverage AI to optimize the most critical customer service processes. CX Cloud offers...
The Business Value of Contact Center AI

The Business Value of Contact Center AI

The Business Value of Contact Center AI How are resilient contact centers saving costs and supporting their remote teams while ensuring operational efficiency? The answer is Contact Center AI. Over the last two decades, AI has been the single biggest driver of change...